Friday, September 30, 2022


Museveni made to commission Bitature's Naguru Hotel that started working 5 years ago, October 01, 2022 | KAMPALA —President Museveni has on Friday September 30 been made to commission Protea Naguru Skyz Hotel, a four-star hotel that has been operating since October 1, 2018.

YouTube Video | Ben – Live : Museveni launches Bitature's Skyz Hotel at Naguru Hill

The President commended the struggling businessman Patrick Bitature—lauding him for expanding the hospitality industry of Uganda and other projects.

“I commissioned the Protea Hotel by Marriott Kampala Skyz in Naguru. I commend Mr Patrick Bitature for expanding the hospitality industry of Uganda and other wealth creation ventures. I congratulate him and wish him good luck,” an update on his official Twitter account indicated.

The Protea Hotel by Marriott Naguru Skyz has 141 rooms in a number of configurations, including one Presidential Suite.

Situated in Naguru, Kampala, the hotel offers 13 boardrooms and two conference rooms, each accommodating 150 guests, as well as a business centre.

Businessman Patrick Bitature who owns the hotel recently dismissed reports that his multibillion Protea Hotel – Naguru SKyz faces auction.

Bitature has been battling debts for years and the Vantage issue is just the latest in a long line.



Museveni officially launches Next Media Park, commends management for wealth and job creation, September 30, 2022President Yoweri Museveni has encouraged Ugandans to use the opportunities created by the National Resistance Movement (NRM) government to engage in activities that create wealth for socio-economic transformation.

File Photo/Courtesy: President Yoweri Museveni (in lead) flanked by Kin Kariisa, the Group Chief Executive Officer, Next Media Sevices, while being ushered to officially launch the Next Media Park.

YouTube Video | Ben – LIVE | Museveni launches Next Media Park, the home of NBS Television, Nile Post, NBS Sport & Sanyuka TV  πŸ‘‡πŸΎ

While launching the Next Media Park located at Naguru Hill in Kampala, His Excellency the President said the policy of liberalization was aimed at among others things; bettering service delivery through wealth creation because the previous governments had not correctly analyzed how to create wealth and jobs.

YouTube Video | Next Media Uganda: Welcome to the Next Media Park πŸ‘‡πŸΎ

Next Media Services is a multimedia company with a range of brands in Television, Radio and communications which include among others; NBS Television, Sanyuka TV, NBS Sport, Nile post, Salam TV and Next Radio and are employing over 500 Ugandans, mostly the youth.

H.E the President re-echoed the four (4) sectors of jobs and wealth creation namely; commercial agriculture, manufacturing/industries, services like communication and entertainment, transport, hospitality and the fourth one being Information Communication Technology-ICT which some Ugandans like Kin Kariisa, the group Chief Executive Officer of Next Media and colleagues have taken advantage of.

“So, therefore, those who are wasting our time talking about everything, this is the way to go. NRM has created all these opportunities. What the Kariisas have done is “Okulembeka”-to take opportunity and create wealth through service provision. And by creating wealth they have also created jobs. I want to salute Kariisa and his colleagues,” H.E Museveni said.

According to H.E the President, the past governments had monopolized some of these services like the business of hotels and transport but later they were given to the private people to run them both for efficiency but also as a signal for private investors to come in and build more.

He further noted that he stood his ground amidst a big cabinet debate to allow private media to operate in Uganda especially at a time when Light House Television, a Christian channel wanted to provide TV and radio services in Uganda.

“The debate was, if you lose the monopoly of information, the government will collapse! I said no I cannot collapse unless I had a heart problem in the first place. They would tell lies, I would answer them,” Gen.Museveni noted, adding that by that time they did believe that the government should not block/obstruct (okutarirana-in Lunyankore) the private sector but to give them freedom to move into these businesses including the media.

“By encouraging liberalization, you can see how much energy we have unleashed, like this group of Mr Kariisa and his colleagues. They have now come in because it’s a free space, you can come and start a private radio and a TV station. Both the law and the policy allow it,” H.E Museveni said.

On the issue of content, the President called upon media houses to promote Uganda and stop de-campaigning policies aimed at transforming the economy.

“I have not been watching NBS recently but I hope as Mr Kasumba has said, that they’re promoting Uganda, and if they are doing that, that’s very good,” Mr. Museveni noted.

He made mention of his initiative of adding value to coffee so that Uganda can earn more which was misunderstood and therefore received negative publicity from the media.

The President said the coffee business in the world is 460 billion US dollars but the coffee growing countries in the world, Uganda inclusive only share 25 billion US dollars of which only 2.5 billion US dollars is coming to Africa and Uganda is only sharing 800 billion US dollars.

“How can this be? Are there educated people in Africa? How can it be that Germany earns more from coffee than almost all the African countries combined?” Gen. Museveni wondered, adding that this undermines point No.5 of the NRM’s 10-point program of Building an economy which is integrated, independent and self-sustaining.

“This was our line to add value to coffee and textile. The shirt I’m putting on is produced from our cotton. So, therefore, its not just these assets, its is now the content of what the assets will be used for,” the President said.

According to the Next Media CEO Kin Kariisa, although the President has occasionally labeled the media rumor mongers, they’re determined to share the narrative and tell the Ugandan story.

“I could not allow foreign media to come here and tell us how to behave, dress and how our culture should be handled. We said let’s build our own media house to be able to shape our own future and narrative. We can do more to nature and transform this country,” Kin Kariisa said.

In attendance, were among others; the Chief Justice of Uganda Alfonse Owiny-Dollo, Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs Norbert Mao, former Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi, the Titular head of Muslims in Uganda, Prince Kassim Nakibinge, the Executive Director Uganda Media Center Ofwono Opondo, KCCA ED Dorothy Kisaka and Presidential Advisor on Trade & Industry Amelia Kyambadde.


🌐 iSpecial Mobility Ecosystem


EU Resolution not binding to Tanzania and Uganda, says Envoy, Alex Mulanga, September 30, 2022 | The European Union (EU) head of delegation to Tanzania and the East African Community, Mr Manfredo Fanti, expressed the union’s standing in the ongoing construction of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline project (EACOP) impasse following the September 14 resolution by the EU Parliament condemning the project on claims of environmental concerns and negative effect to human life.

 Photo/Sunday George: Head of the European Union Delegation to Tanzania and the EAC, Ambassador Mabfredo Fanti speaking during an Interview with Mwananchi business reporter, Julius Mnganga, at the EU offices in Dar es Salaam, September 29, 2022.

The interview was conducted by Mwananchi reporter Julius Mnganga and transcribed by The Citizen reporter Alex Malanga. Read on..

Question: The host governments and TotalEnergies have agreed to implement the project which the European Parliament opposes, how legally-binding is the resolution to the EU Parliament?

Answer: It is a political decision of the European Parliament, which is completely legitimate and within the European parliament, but they are not binding.

Local environmental authorities in both countries have confirmed that the project will not have any adverse impact. On the other hand, the EU Parliament says otherwise. Who should we trust?

The authorities in Tanzania and Uganda are perfectly free to continue with the project because these are sovereign states and they have the right to decide about their energy and development policies.

The same applies to TotalEnergies as an investor, the resolution itself does not have any impact directly on the decision of Total, which is a separate company.

I think that the intention of the resolution is to express the general concern of the EU for the environment and protection of the rights of people affected by this big project.

It is also important to consider the general message; which is respecting the environment and the rights of people.

And this is of course a reality and everybody agrees on it.

People who have been affected by this project have been relocated. Is there anything of critical concern?

Total and the governments have ensured that all people affected by the project received either compensation in form of money or a new house depending on the way they are affected by the project.

This is something objective which can be verified and TotalEnergies has presented the report in this regard.

However, transparency is really very key in order to show that everything is done according to good practices.

The EU Parliament played down reports by European companies that collaborated with local companies and authorities, do you think it is high time Africa relied on its local experts?

No, I would not say that. Nobody can do it alone. We need you, you need us in business, economic development, exchange of technology and exchange of products.

I think what we need is to increase these exchanges in a balanced way….It should not be an exploitation.

On the European Parliament’s resolution we should understand that political debate, especially in Europe, is not unusual.

The European Parliament attacking a private company or a certain group of interests is something common.

I think TotalEnergies has an opportunity to respond to the resolution and to show that everything has been done according to the rules and good practices.

Sometimes, Western countries come with reports that differ from those presented by local authorities. What seems to be the missing link?

I think what will be important especially on sensitive big projects like energy, which create big attention on climate and environment, is to have good communication strategy.

This means to share information even with political bodies, NGOs, etc. This is the best way to ensure that people do not feel suspicious about the way it is done.

Would continuing with the construction of EACOP affect diplomatic relations?

Not at all. The EU parliament is an independent institution of the EU, its members are elected by citizens and it has a political mandate.

So, the role of the parliament is partly separate from the role of council of ministers which determines the policies of the EU.

As I said before, the European Parliament has a political mandate. You should take the general message, but not consider it as a guiding point in our relations at all.

This is because, this is just one element of the much-wider relations between EU and Tanzania, Uganda, and Africa in general.

Do you think Europe has anything to lose if Tanzania and Uganda continue with the project?

No, this is also the message to the European Parliament that Tanzania and Uganda are free to continue with their energy and development policies.

TotalEnergies too, is free to continue with its business.

The meaning of the message is that there is a general expectation that Total will conduct its business together with its associates in line with rules on corporate social responsibility, respect for environment and so on.

I am sure Tanzania and Uganda too, will not be happy to have the pipeline which will be creating environmental problems.

Does your office play any role in feeding the European Parliament with information regarding EACOP?

The EU Parliament has its own source of information. We have been requested to provide some information about the project in Tanzania and especially about the situation NGOs are complaining about.

But the delegation itself does not have a fundamental role in the final deliberation of the EU Parliament because they are prepared by the internal administration of the European Parliament and submitted to the members of the Parliament.

Can you weigh the benefits and disadvantages of EACOP?

My own opinion is that the world needs energy. We buy oil, we buy gas and we are even buying coal, even from Tanzania

So, in my view, I think we should conduct all these businesses in the best possible way.

Many past experiences in various countries have shown that if we don’t pay sufficient attention to the protection of environment and protection of people affected by the projects then we are in deep trouble

Were you surprised by the European Parliament resolution?

I was not particularly surprised. I have a long career in the European Union behind me and have seen many of these situations.

As I said, the EU Parliament is a political body and inside the European Parliament we have different political trends and vision.

I think what is important is to put this kind of resolution in the general context of relations between EU and Tanzania and Uganda, in this case.

We have been enjoying good relations. The EU has increased its development cooperation with Tanzania for the last year compared to the past years.

One of the most important sectors in our cooperation is energy. We have invested around Euro 118 million in energy projects here in Tanzania.

There is a very deep relation, but in this relation there is also a political element. So, this is the theme you need to look at as the general framework.

Some European countries including Germany, Austria, Greece and Italy have gone back to coal-powered plants to generate energy. Why would that be fair but a crude oil pipeline between Tanzania and Uganda is bad?

Look, all of us are in difficult times. That is why there is a call to reduce gas emission and protect the environment to fight climate change. This implies less use of fossil fuels.

But we have this fact that with the Russia-Ukraine war, the energy situation in Europe has changed and we are now in a kind of emergency situation where we need to produce energy to have the economy running and also very simply to heat the houses of people.

So, I think generally, you are right, it is not coherent having the resolutions on EACOP and then buying coal. But the fact is that the world is facing a very complicated situation and there are different actions that we need to undertake but the final objective is clear that we have commonly agreed it is to reduce gas emission in order to fight climate change and on that I can say EU is a champion because of its policies.

With the effects of economic sanctions becoming increasingly unbearable for Africa, those who chose to condemn Russia are thinking of engaging it as a key trading partner. What’s your take on this?

The EU position has not changed. So, behaviour and policy action have not changed.

We firmly condemn the aggression of Russia against Ukraine. Millions of Ukraine people have been forced to flee their country, thousands of people, including children, have died.

We continue to support Ukraine. We hope that peace will prevail very soon. We will be ready to support any peace agreement.

But I don’t agree with the claims that the war continues because we are helping Ukraine, the fact is that the war continues because Russia continues with aggression and Ukraine on the other side continues to defend itself.

The ongoing war in Ukraine and the sanctions netted on Russia have disrupted the supply chain of some essential goods in the world. Don’t you think it’s high time that Africa went big with the exploitation of its own resources to reduce dependence on others?

Africa has a lot of energy resources particularly renewable energy and Africa should try as much as possible to develop these resources.

Tanzania is a good example because it is true that on one side we see EACOP, on the other side we see the use of solar energy, hydropower, etc.

This is very important in the strategy of this country---diversifying energy sources and using as much as possible renewable energy.


🌐 iSpecial Mobility Ecosystem


East Africa: European Union's Blatant Hypocrisy On Fossils Fuels in Banning EACOP but Funding the Baltic Pipe Project, September 30, 2022, 08:11AM | The EU bile against the EACOP speaks volumes on the EU parliament's imperialism and neo-colonial attitudes by turning a blind eye to the Union's emissions, choosing to hypocritically shine a light on East Africa's emerging economies, Uganda and Tanzania.

Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine at the end of February sent energy markets reeling and prices surging.

The EACOP will convey crude oil from Kabaale - Hoima in Uganda to Tanzania's Chongoleani peninsula near Tanga port.

The EU bile against the EACOP, according to Tayebwa, speaks volumes about the EU parliament's imperialism and neo-colonial attitudes.

Global energy market disruptions

Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine at the end of February sent energy markets reeling and prices surging. Russia remains the largest oil and gas products exporter globally, and Africa is mainly affected by the resultant market disruptions.

The recent global oil market changes have inspired the search for alternatives. Countries have also resolved to fast-track existing oil and gas projects in Africa and beyond. The East African Crude Oil Pipeline Project (EACOP) is a crucial East African project.

File Photo/Courtesy: The East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline from Kabaale - Hoima in Uganda to Tanzania's Chongoleani peninsula near Tanga port.

YouTube Video | Kabalega TV || EACOP ROUTE: The East African Crude Oil Pipeline Route from Hoima, Uganda to Tanzania. πŸ‘‡πŸΎ

EACOP represents a 1,443km crude oil export pipeline. The pipeline will convey crude oil from Kabaale - Hoima in Uganda to Tanzania's Chongoleani peninsula near Tanga port. The pipeline's peak capacity will stand at 246,000 bbls/day.

The agreement for the project ensures that an Environmental Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) happens as per the International Finance Corporation (IFC) standards. The EACOP has also considered international best practices backed by primary biodiversity and feasibility studies.

EU's stance on EACOP is controversial and hypocritical

The European Union passed a resolution on September 14, 2022, calling for human rights and environmental protections as Uganda and Tanzania conceptualize the EACOP project. The EU resolution warns that the project threatens wetlands and water resources, a source of livelihood for fisherfolk, farmers, and tourism business owners.

YouTube Video | FRANCE 24 English: Uganda furious at EU parliament censure of mega oil project πŸ‘‡πŸΎ

As per the resolution, the impacts and risks of the oil fields and pipeline infrastructure development already appear immense. The EU claims that the risks have been thoroughly recorded in various independent expert reports and community-based impact evaluations.

The resolution comes out as hypocritical and controversial. While Tanzania ensures the EACOP is human rights compliant, Uganda has termed the European Parliament's resolution against EACOP's construction as a neo-colonial stance against Uganda and Tanzania, independent and sovereign African countries.

Responding to the controversial resolution, Mr January Makamba, Tanzania's Energy minister, noted that the entire pipeline route has a design to scale down social and environmental impacts. Makamba further observes that the EACOP handling falls in line with all international regulations and laws on environmental safety and human rights protection.

Uganda's Thomas Tayebwa, the deputy speaker for parliament, slammed the EU for its excessive reliance on fossil fuels compared to Uganda and other African nations. Tayebwa termed the EU position as economic sabotage against the right of sovereign African countries to benefit from their oil and gas sectors.

YouTube Video | Thomas Tayebwa: EU Parliament should Stop interfering in the Uganda and Tanzania development of the Oil and Gas Projects πŸ‘‡πŸΎ

The EU bile against the EACOP, according to Tayebwa, speaks volumes about the EU parliament's imperialism and neo-colonial attitudes, which he derides for turning a blind eye to the Union's emissions, choosing to hypocritically shine a light on East Africa's emerging economies, Uganda and Tanzania.

According to Mr Tayebwa, EACOP's prospective pollutant effect will only represent 0.5 per cent of global emissions. Ironically, the EU representing just 10 per cent of the global population, emits 20 per cent unfettered, and member nations have contemplated deepening fossil-fuel-related excavations unfettered.

Double standards by the European Union on the EACOP

What is good for the goose must also be good for the gander. However, the EU commission has commissioned the Baltic pipe project, somewhat similar to the EACOP. The Baltic Pipe project got inaugurated on September 27, 2022, at an opening ceremony in GoleniΓ³w, Poland.

The Trans-European Networks for Energy backs the energy project. The Baltic Pipe boosts the gas supply diversification of Central-Eastern Europe and the Baltic States. It introduces a new import route from the North Sea to the EU. The Baltic Pipe has remained a common interest project for the EU since 2013. The EU has pumped around €267 million in funding to complete the preliminary studies and construction works necessary for the Baltic pipe project.

Notably, apart from the Baltic pipe project, faced with energy shortages and rising costs for fuel and electricity, rich European countries have reverted to even dirtier fossil fuels. Some EU members have even resumed burning fuel oil to generate electricity. The rebirth of carbon-intensive energy indicates that when energy security and economic growth are threatened for Europe, security and development beat climate policies.

The EU's iron law against EACOP and other African projects

Political scientist Roger Pielke Jr. has labelled this approach by the EU the iron law. The current stance by Europe means energy security is again taking precedence, and climate commitments must wait. While this change makes sense in Central and Eastern Europe, it looks very different when viewed from Uganda or Tanzania.

One side of Europe's turnaround on energy founds on the need to diversify gas sources with an aggressive drive for long-term oil and gas contracts in Africa. This spell of interest in gas comes following many years of rich EU governments pressuring African countries to substitute fossil fuels for solar or wind power.

Some European governments have also pressured development institutions such as the World Bank to halt financing all fossil fuel projects. Sweden, Norway, and others recommend a total prohibition by 2024.

Paradoxically, the European Union has resolved that the ongoing energy emergency gives leeway to burn whichever fuel they desire. On the other hand, emerging economies lack that pass-through completely. For Africa, this stance looks like blatant hypocrisy--or worse.

In a September 20 statement, the independent pan-African NGO based in Banjul, in the Gambia, slammed the European resolution on EACOP perceived environmental and human rights concerns as a self-serving ploy and interference with African affairs.

Flawed European Union policies on African gas

As affluent nations would have it, "gas for me but not for thee" is more than simply bad optics. It is a poor policy. The EU has prioritised the West's energy access while pushing Africa to prioritize emission reductions. This move is counterproductive in achieving economic, geostrategic, and even climatic objectives.

The present hostility against Africa and EACOP, specifically over gas consumption, is entirely unwarranted. The continent's prosperity lies in low-cost renewables. Limited gas usage is for power backup, cooking, and a few businesses, such as fertilizer manufacturing. Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia now utilize more than 80 per cent renewable energy. Comparatively, the United States uses just 20 per cent renewable energy.

Renewables continue to dominate even in African economies with ample gas resources. In reality, there is no credible future scenario in which African gas use contributes even remotely meaningful to global pollution.

Even if Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding South Africa) increased its energy consumption overnight using exclusively gas, the new emissions would amount to just 0.62 per cent of global pollution. Africa has already adopted renewables, and the magnitude of its future gas use will remain insignificant globally.

Economic growth and energy transition drawbacks

While the West has nothing to gain by pressuring Africa on gas financing, rich-country approaches have significant drawbacks. A prohibition on gas finance would harm economic growth while delaying the energy transition.

The energy shift in Europe is all about substituting high-carbon sources like coal, oil, and gas with low-carbon replacements. However, in energy-scarce nations, the energy transition entails increasing supply to meet rising energy demand.

Gas remains necessary to back up wind and sunlight-dependent renewables in nations with significant undeveloped hydro- or geothermal potential. Across Africa, the switch from charcoal and wood to cleaner cooking energy will almost certainly necessitate the use of gas.

Hydrogen and other emerging green fuels have enormous possibilities. Nevertheless, businesses such as fertilizer manufacturing will need gas for the conceivable future. Blocking these growth routes in Africa in the name of climate policy is all misery and no benefit. The EU's stance on the EACOP, while on the other hand, funding a similar project in their backyard, sums up their hypocrisy.


🌐 iSpecial Mobility Ecosystem

Thursday, September 29, 2022


NATO slams 'sabotage' of pipeline as environmental costs assessed, September 30, 2022 | Nato yesterday issued its strongest statement yet over the breaches in the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea, describing the damage as the result of “deliberate, reckless, and irresponsible acts of sabotage”.

File Photo/Courtesy: Nord Stream Pipeline Leaks Appear to Be Result of Deliberate Act – Voice of America

The underwater blasts have raised tensions in northern Europe, and stoked fears that the war in Ukraine could spill into the realm of vital energy infrastructure – as well as concerns over the environmental impact of the leaks.

Images released yesterday by the Swedish Coast Guard show a large mass of methane bubbles on the sea surface emanating from the leak in the two pipelines that make up Nord Stream 1 and a smaller mass above the single Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

The statement noted there are four leaks across the three pipelines, not three as had been widely reported.

The Nato statement said any deliberate attack against a member of the 30-country bloc’s infrastructure would “be met with a united and determined response,” echoing the EU’s warning the day before about a “robust and united response” to any attacks on energy infrastructure.

An EU official reiterated yesterday that the damage to the pipelines was “not a coincidence”.

Asked what Europe would do in response to the sabotage, the official said there was “a lot of co-ordination and discussion among the member states,” but declined to get into specifics.

Danish and Swedish authorities have ruled out natural causes for the explosions detected on Monday that caused the leaks.

The Swedish National Seismic Network (SNSN) registered two distinct blasts in the vicinity of the Danish island of Bornholm and said they were similar in nature to explosions from Swedish military exercises they periodically monitor.

“This looks like other blasts,” Bjorn Lund, director of the network, told reporters.

Cautioning that it was a preliminary estimate, he said the strength of the larger second blast was equivalent to 100-200kg of TNT.

The first was smaller and consequently harder to measure.

With the consensus among European leaders that sabotage was involved, suspicion is increasingly falling on Russia, which has used energy supplies as leverage against Europe since the invasion of Ukraine.

Russian Navy ships were spotted in the vicinity of the leaks on Monday and Tuesday, Western intelligence officials told CNN.

It is not clear if those ships were in any way involved with the pipeline explosions.

The Kremlin responded to the allegation, noting that there was a larger Nato presence in the area.

It is not uncommon for naval vessels from both Nato countries and Russia to be present in the strategically important Baltic Sea region.

The Kremlin has denied responsibility for the incident, suggesting yesterday that the incidents should be investigated as “an act of terrorism” and saying a co-ordinated international investigation was required, as Russia is the majority owner of both pipelines.

While experts say the resulting gas leak could amount to the largest-ever single release of methane gas into the atmosphere, it may not have been enough to have a major effect on climate change.
A worst-case calculation by the Laboratory of Climate and Environmental Sciences in France, equated it to what comes from about one million cars in a year – so it is a comparatively minor increase on the amount currently generated by the 250 million cars in the EU in 2020.



Uganda National Oil Company Dispels EACOP Project Funding Fears, September 28, 2022 | Proscovia Nabbanja, the Chief Executive Officer of Uganda National Oil Company, says to ensure new reserves, an application was made to the ministry of Energy for an exploration license (Kasuruban).

File Photo/Courtesy: Proscovia Nabbanja, Chief Executive Officer, Uganda National Oil Company.

While speaking at the 7th annual Uganda International Oil & Gas Summit in Kampala, Nabbanja disclosed a joint application for the pelican-crane block with CNOOC Uganda Limited.

“The two blocks have good potential for oil and gas,” she said.

On the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP), Nabbanja reiterated that the project is on course including the financing.

She named counterparts in Total Energies Uganda, CNOOC Uganda Ltd and Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) as members of the EACOP Board, dispelling recent fears.

File Photo/Courtesy: Participants at the International Uganda Oil & Gas Summit held at Kampala Serena Hotel.

In a keynote address, UNOC Board Chairman, Emmanuel Katongole, disclosed that they have the funding as shareholders in the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP).

Projects, he noted, will continue whilst ensuring that the environment is not degraded.

File Photo/Courtesy: Emmanuel Katongole, Board Chairman, Uganda  National Oil Company (UNOC).

Agreements regarding oil and gas, he said have clauses to ensure human rights are followed up and monitored regularly.

He also disclosed the grand plan to plant 40 million trees in response to the widespread environmental destruction due to energy poverty.

Irene Bateebe, the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Energy & Mineral Development, in her welcome remarks, communicated the Government’s commitment to the environment and preservation of biodiversity.

“We as a country, are committed to issues of transparency and accountability,” she reiterated.

Irene Bateebe, the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Energy & Mineral Development.

Ernest Rubondo, the Executive Director of the Petroleum Authority of Uganda Monitors and Regulates the Petroleum Sector in Uganda (PAU UGANDA) said:

“We are living in extremely interesting times, and are a very privileged generation of Ugandans. There isn’t a single opportunity that Uganda has had to progress in terms of development like it has with the Oil and Gas sector.”

Philippe Groueix, the General Manager of Total Energies Uganda, said the Oil and Gas project will bring a positive economic impact on Ugandans and the surrounding population in the Tilenga Project areas of operation. Groueix reiterated Total Energies Uganda’s position in Uganda’s Oil & Gas sector.

“Total Energies is fully committed to carrying out the project in an exemplary manner, technically, socially, without compromising on respect to Human Rights and with total transparency,” he noted.

Hon. Amelia Kyambadde, the Senior Presidential Advisor on Industry, spoke on the Impact of Local Content in the Oil and Gas Sector.

She said the National Content Key pillars stem from the employment of Ugandans, provision of goods and services by Ugandan companies, and building the capacity of Uganda companies and citizens.

File Photo/Courtesy: Hon. Amelia Kyambadde, Senior Presidential Advisor, Trade & Industry making her submission at the Summit.

Hon. Amelia re-echoed the need for Ugandan companies to get registered, qualified, and listed on the PAU Uganda National Supplier Database in order to supply Goods and services to Uganda’s Oil and Gas sector.



 YouTube Video | NTV Uganda : Students demonstrate over EU resolution on East African  Oil Pipeline πŸ‘‡πŸΎ



EACOP: Bunyoro Kingdom unhappy with EU Parliament resolution, September 29, 2022 | Bunyoro Kitara kingdom has expressed its disdain for last week's European Union parliament resolution that called for halting of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP), pending environmental impact and human rights reviews. 

The European Parliament is concerned over what it called a lack of environmental safeguards and violation of human rights especially on project-affected persons (PAPs). But Bunyoro king, Omukama Solomon Gafabusa Iguru Agutamba Rukirabasaija said the kingdom is not happy with the EU Parliament. 

Speaking on behalf of Bunyoro king Omukama Solomon Gafabusa Iguru Agutamba Rukirabasaija, Andrew Byakutaga, the kingdom prime minister said delaying the project that could further spur infrastructural development in his kingdom and the country at large is totally unacceptable.

According to Byakutaga, the EU parliament's concerns don't hold because the kingdom is aware that the government and development partners undertook all the necessary environmental impact assessments (EIA) as part of the project implementation process.

The ESIA's according to Byakutaga identified mitigation measures to address the potential adverse effects of the project on the environment and host communities. Moreover, he said, the EU parliament passed a resolution without consulting the kingdom which is at the centre of the project. 

Byakutaga says the kingdom is in full support of the government to immediately construct the EACOP saying the region has already started benefiting from the oil project, citing the construction of the oil roads, provision of jobs, the establishment of Hoima city and improvement in other infrastructures.

"Oil and gas projects have so far improved the social and economic welfare of the people as evidenced by the construction of more roads, hospitals, and livelihood social programmes that have been undertaken by the oil companies and government. Oil and gas projects have already given employment and business opportunities to our people in Bunyoro and Ugandans and some people from other countries including Europe," said Byakutaga.   

Byakutaga further explains that the EACOP environmental social impact assessment (ESIA) was comprehensively done and approved by National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), adding that the Kingdom was a witness to the ESIA studies that were conducted by the government of Uganda.

"Environmental and social impact studies were conducted and public hearings where Bunyoro kingdom and other stakeholders participated...It is true that some PAPs raised some issues such as compensation rates and other social issues especially at the state of the project and these were either addressed or are being addressed," said Byakutaga. 

The European Parliament resolution adopted raised concern over human rights violations in Uganda and Tanzania linked to investments in the oil and gas sector. The resolution zeroed on wrongful imprisonment of human rights defenders, the arbitrary suspension of NGOs, arbitrary prison sentences and the eviction of hundreds of people from their land without fair and adequate compensation.

According to the EU parliament, more than 100,000 people were at risk of being displaced by the EACOP project and demanded for they be adequately compensated.

The EU Parliament also tasked to put to an end the extractive activities in the protected and sensitive ecosystems including the shores of lake Albert citing the 132 wells that Total Energies plans to dig in Murchison Falls national park and other protected areas where the heated EACOP pipeline will pass.

The 1,443km crude oil export pipeline will transport Uganda’s crude oil from Hoima in Uganda to the Chongoleani peninsula near Tanga port in Tanzania.

When complete, it will be the longest electrically heated pipeline in the world and will cross through 10 districts in Uganda, a distance of 296 kilometres, and 25 districts in Tanzania, covering eight regions and 25 districts. The government rolled out the program of acquiring land for the project in August 2018.

According to the agreed plan, the pipeline route will begin from Hoima through Kikuube, Kakumiro, Kyankwanzi, Mubende, Gomba, Sembabule, Lwengo, Kyotera, and Rakai, and cross the Tanzania border between Masaka and Bukoba, and traverse Tanzania through Kahama, Singida, Kondoa, into Tanga.


Wednesday, September 28, 2022


UTB Partners with Embassies to Promote Destination Uganda, September 28, 2022 | The Uganda Tourism Board (UTB) has said it is closely working with the Ugandan Missions abroad to market the country, and attract more arrivals.

The UTB Marketing Manager, Claire Mugabi made the revelation at the event held in Kampala on Tuesday to commemorate World Tourism Day.

File Photo/Courtesy: Claire Mugabi, Marketing Manager, Uganda Tourism Board (UTB).

“We are working very closely with our Embassies, our Missions abroad to become tourism destination marketing touch points for the country. We have equipped them with information about the country so that if anyone walks into any Embassy or High Commission for Uganda in any country, it is the first place, the touch points you get information pertaining to where to travel, how to travel to Uganda, how to get there, costs of travel. So we are working very closely with those embassies,” she said.

YouTube Video | World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) : World Tourism Day 2022 Celebrations πŸ‘‡πŸΎ

This is among many other strategies that UTB is deploying to revamp Uganda’s tourism industry which was heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Uganda boasts of unique natural, cultural and historical attractions in the world. For example, 54% of the Mountain gorillas in the world are found in Uganda.

Apart from the Big Five; lion, leopard, giraffe, elephant and giraffe, travellers track and habituate the mountain gorillas and chimpanzees.

With that, Uganda positions itself as the key destination for mountain gorillas.
Uganda is a home for 1,090 bird species, which is 50% of the bird species in Africa.
Further, Uganda has more primates species than any other country in the East African Community region and Europe, and is home to the source of the Nile, the world’s longest river.

Tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors in Uganda. The sector earned the country over USD$1.6 billion in 2018 compared to USD$1.45 in 2017, accounting for 7.7% of the national GDP. However, the outbreak of COVID-19 which caused shutdown of air travel allover the world caused a huge drop of arrivals in Uganda.

To get back on track Uganda is rethinking it’s tourism, and according to Mrs Mugabi, UTB is also working with the national carrier to market Uganda abroad. “We are working very closely with our national carrier, the Uganda Airlines to promote arrival to Uganda. One of the key parameters that is very important on the competitive index of destinations is connectivity. The easier it is to connect to a destination, the easier it will become for people to come to the destination.

So, with national Airline, it has become very easy for people and more affordable of course to connect Uganda from Kenya, from the different routes that they are flying. So, we conduct various activations with Uganda airlines to activate the different markets, tell them about the different destinations they can fly to when they come to Uganda, and also to run promotions in the airlines. We are also doing a bit of in flight advertising. While flying on the Uganda Airlines, I believe you can see from the food that they’re serving, the way they are dressed, it is Ugandan. They are running videos about the different products that you have as a country. So we’re working very closely with them,” she said.

The World Tourism Day is celebrated at a time when Uganda is hit by the Ebola disease, which could cut the number of arrivals in the country.

Uganda’s tourism industry being government led, but private sector driven, Mrs Mugabi said UTB has mapped out different stakeholder categories to work with in an effort to grow country’s tourism.

“One of them is the private sector. Those are the people that sell tourism. They are the ones that own accommodation facilities. So, we are working more collaboratively with them. We are building their capacity in terms of customer service, to make sure that they deliver on our promise of Uganda being the Pearl of Africa,” she said.

The Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Frank Tumwebaze speaking at the World Tourism Day Celebrations in Kampala on Tuesday.

File Photo/Courtesy: Hon. Frank Tumwebaze, Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Republic of Uganda.

The Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Frank Tumwebaze who was a keynote speaker at the event said tourism should not be treated as an isolated sector for a few players and stakeholders, noting that it for every Ugandan.

“It is a sector that if it wins, everybody wins. More tourism numbers in the country mean what? They mean more eggs eaten and sold, they mean more poultry birds slaughtered for the lodges and hotels, they mean more jobs for the car drivers, the taxi operators and tour operators, they mean more jobs in terms of markets for our agricultural produce. So, tourism is an enabler, it is one guarantor of expanding and sustaining domestic market for most goods and services,” he said.

“It is therefore not the responsibility alone of the Ministry of Tourism and UTB to promote our country. Where will I sell my agricultural products if I do not work with tourism, to have an expanded internal market? If all the lodges in Uganda, in our parks in our urban centers were experiencing an average of 50% to 60% occupancy, I would not need any regional or international market to take our eggs. Our eggs would sustainably be absorbed here in the market,” he added.

To some officials in certain sectors who solely concentrate on promoting their respective sectors, Tumwebaze said, “we are interlinked,” and called for the formation of multi sectoral tourism forum to promote Uganda’s tourism industry.

“I call for the formation of a sector wide Forum for tourism where all of us come in, because we have interest. Just like you have heard of a Forum called JLOS (Justice Law and Order Sector). Judiciary is there, Internal Affairs [Ministry] is there, Prisons and Police are there. Their work is linked. So, tourism work is not isolated.”

The Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) Executive Director, Dorothy Kisaka said that as Uganda steps up efforts to promote tourism, there is need to reposition the way people think about the country’s capital.

As a result, she said KCCA has baptized Kampala “a smart city” with “smart people” living in it.

“We are calling it a smart city. This is a vision that we unpack, not for the future, but for our generation. We want to unpack the Smart City of Kampala in our generation,” she said.

She mentioned three pillars which KCCA is applying to promote Kampala as smart city.

They include; Technology, Infrastructure and People (TIP).

“We are applying technology in revenue collection, sanitation, city addressing, procurement, in health and education services among others,” she said.

Infrastructure: “a smart and clean city in all of its infrastructure. We are removing illegal structures, and decongesting the city. We are calling on people to take care of their structures by lighting, painting etc.”

People: “Promoting a way of working together with all city stakeholders. Transport, business people, bar owners, vendors etc. We need to work together. We have a challenge of noise pollution. We are curbing on noise pollution very strongly. Let’s talk smart. The City accommodates all of us,” Kisaka said.

“All these are geared towards positioning Kampala as a vibrant, attractive and sustainable city. Kampala is an exciting capital with a lot of potential in tourism development,” she said.

Kisaka added that in a near future, KCCA will launch the “Smart City Expo.”

She said that KCCA will work closely with UTB and Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) and Ministry of Tourism for tourism development, adding that a Memorandum of Understanding for the same has already been signed.


Tuesday, September 27, 2022


Watchdog slams European Parliament over EACOP Resolution, September 24, 2022 | The Africa Union Watch this week joined calls to the European Parliament to revoke its September 14 resolution condemning the East African Crude Oil Pipeline project between Uganda and Tanzania.

File Image/Courtesy: Africa Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

In a September 20 statement, the independent pan-African NGO based in Banjul, in the Gambia, slammed the resolution based on perceived environmental and human rights concerns as being “self-serving” ploy and “an interference into African affairs”.

It also pointed out that a similar pipeline was built by Tanzania and Zambia “without experiencing any such challenges” in the early 1970s and is still operating.

“The European Parliament has no direct jurisdictional basis to discuss African implementation of economic development projects. It only uses international human rights instruments as a cover,” AUW chairperson Bahame Tom Nyanduga asserted in the statement.

He added that the only “leverage” that such institutions as the European Parliament had in Africa was based on diplomatic engagements and economic cooperation arrangements between the European Union itself and African states.

The statement dismissed the resolution’s claim that carbon emissions arising from fossil fuels used in the pipeline would have negative effects on climate change, noting that some European countries were also considering resumption of power generation using coal, another high pollutant, because of the consequences of war in Ukraine.

“Africa is not a major polluter compared to the developing world. What is happening in Europe gives African countries, faced with the challenges of development and poverty across the continent, all the more reason to turn to their own resources to address those challenges.”

The governments of Uganda and Tanzania have both dismissed claims in the resolution that the $3.4 billion EACOP project is being implemented in violation of environmental and human rights standards.

Tanzania’s ambassador to Belgium, Jestas Nyamanga, said this week that the embassy was preparing an official government statement clarifying various issues raised in the resolution over the project’s execution for presentation before the EU parliament.

“The resolution was based on misinformation about some of the facts. We will provide the parliamentary members with the correct facts,” said Mr Nyamanga, who is also accredited to the EU Commission.

His sentiments were echoed by the chairman of the Association of Tanzania Oil and Gas Service Providers (ATOGS), Abdulsamad Abdulrahim, who asserted that the EU Parliament members were deliberately misled about the project.

“This project has undergone an Environmental Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) conducted on the basis of IFC standards and international best practices and also backed by several basic biodiversity studies,” Mr Abdulrahim said.

According to Tanzania's Minister for Energy January Makamba, the EACOP project is being handled in line with all international laws and regulations on environmental protection and respect for human rights, unlike the resolution's claims.

“The entire pipeline route within Tanzania has been designed to minimise the kind of environmental and social impacts that the EU Parliament expressed concerns about,” Mr Makamba stated.

For instance, compensation has already been paid to almost all the 331 households that were required to vacate to pave way for the project and no force was used during the resettlement operation as claimed in the EU resolution, the minister said.

“The fact is that Tanzania has every right to ensure that its people benefit from the country’s own resources just as is the case with developed countries and their people,” he asserted.

Tanzania has so far paid $80 million out of the $308 million that it is required to contribute to the project, out of which $10.77 million was allocated to cover compensation to affected citizens.

According to James Mataragio, director general of the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC) which is overseeing the project on the Tanzanian side, the compensation package also includes providing the affected people with new modern houses to move into. “We are implementing this project with all transparency,” he said.

Preliminary construction work related to the project is also well underway, including the setting up of a thermo isolation plant in Tabora region to build covers for the underground pipes that has reached 60 percent, according to the TPDC boss.

The EACOP project covers 1,443 kilometres from Hoima in Uganda to Chongoleani in Tanga along Tanzania’s Indian Ocean coastline with about 1,147km of the route passing through Tanzania and just 296km in Uganda.

The pipeline will pass through eight regions of Tanzania: Kagera, Geita, Shinyanga, Tabora, Singida, Dodoma, Manyara and Tanga.



"You are too young to advise me," Museveni tell off EU MPs, September 27, 2022President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni Tibuhaburwa has at the ongoing oil and gas summit at Serena conference centre, Kampala, scoffed at the European Parliament lawmakers for what he terms as ‘meddling’ in the sovereign affairs of African countries.

YouTube Video | UBC Television Uganda: Museveni criticizes EU Parliament  Censure πŸ‘‡πŸΎ

YouTube Video | Uganda Broadcasting Corporation : Annual Uganda International Oil and Gas Summit – September 27, 2022 πŸ‘‡πŸΎ

An embittered Museveni retaliated with harsh remarks on the position of the EU parliament which seeks to have the multi-billion 1,443 km oil pipeline project halted on humanitarian and environmental grounds.

According to Museveni, the EACOP project will not be delayed at any point and that the works will go on as timetabled, contrary to the EU parliament resolution instructing French oil giant TotalEnergies and partners to delay the project by at least one year.

Gen. Museveni, 78, says he is mature enough and experienced in leadership and governance and that he cannot listen to young lawmakers who qualify to be his own children. Museveni says the EU MPs are very young and amateurish and that they cannot guide an experienced leader of his age.



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