Tuesday, September 13, 2022


Uganda’s Collective Investment Scheme Assets Rise to Shs 1.3tn

chimpreports.com,September 13, 2022, 01:45PM | The level of savings and investment in Uganda’s  capital markets has grown significantly, notwithstanding the reduction of disposable  incomes as a result of the prevailing inflationary pressures, the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) latest Quarterly Bulletin update indicates.  

File Photo/Courtesy: Keith Kalyegira, Chief Executive Officer, Capital Markets Authority, Republic of Uganda.

The report indicates that Collective Investment Scheme (CIS) Managers had a total of Shs  1.30 trillion in Assets Under Management (AUM) at the end of June 2022, representing a  growth of 13.7% from Shs 1.15 trillion at the end of March 2022.

The licensed CIS managers are; UAP-Old Mutual Financial Services Limited, ICEA Lion Asset  Management Limited, Britam Asset Managers Uganda Limited, Xeno Technologies Uganda  Limited, and Sanlam Investments East Africa Limited.  

YouTube Video | NTVUganda : TALK OF THE NATION || Now the Capital Markets Authority supports Investors 👇🏾

Analysis of CIS account types indicates that the largest growth was registered in the  Umbrella Funds which constitute 70% of the total CIS Assets Under Management.  

The Umbrella Funds are invested in interest-bearing securities such as treasury bills, treasury  bonds, corporate bonds, and fixed deposits with approved financial institutions. 

Other  popular CIS account types are namely; the Balanced Fund, Money Market Fund, Fixed  Income Fund, and Equity Fund.  

Officials said this growth in AUM can be attributed to increased awareness about the benefits of  investing through CIS vehicles among local investors, investor confidence owing to a sound  regulatory regime, decent returns on investments and intensification of business  development efforts by the five licensed CIS operators.  

Similarly, the total AUM for Fund Managers licensed by CMA closed the second quarter  of 2022 at Shs 3.89 trillion, representing a growth of 0.7% from Shs 3.87 trillion at  the end of March 2022.  

Speaking about the growth in AUM, Keith Kalyegira, CEO of the CMA said: “Investing  through a CIS makes the most sense during times like this when inflation is eating into the  value of savings. With nominal returns on CIS funds currently averaging above 10% per  annum, investors are able to preserve the purchasing power of their savings as the returns  exceed the inflation rates.”

He added: “CIS’s offer a channel through which investors can earn a return on passive  investments. CIS’s also ensure that Ugandans enjoy the benefits of having their savings  managed by professionals. There are also the benefits of risk diversification, lower  transaction costs, and access to a wide variety of securities investments with a small sum of  at least Shs 100,000. With a CIS, your securities can be sold when you deem it necessary,  such as to pay school fees, in total or in part at any time.” 

Data from the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) indicates that inflation as measured by  the Consumer Price Index for Uganda for the 12 months to June 2022 increased to 6.8%, up from 6.3% registered in May 2022. 


YouTube Video | NSSF Uganda : Capital Markets || September 30, 2022👇🏾


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