Saturday, September 10, 2022


Museveni's emotional message on the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Cancels trip to United Kingdom

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Queen Elizabeth's 2007 visit in quotes | Monitor, September 10, 2022 | “Your Excellency, President Museveni and Ms Museveni, Rt Hon Speaker, Hon Members of Parliament, ladies and gentlemen; Prince Philip and I have many fond memories of our last visit together to Uganda. Many years since, your country has made considerable advances, in spite of periods of adversity. I expect that what has helped sustain modern Uganda is the attribute that was so evident in 1954, and again today, in the generous manner we have been welcomed; the great warmth and friendliness of its people. We are delighted to be here once more.” The Queen addresses the Parliament of Uganda on November 22, 2007.

“One hundred years ago, Sir Winston Churchill, who much later became my first prime minister, made a celebrated visit to Uganda, which he was moved to describe as the “Pearl of Africa.” In common with other visitors to this country over the years, he had been struck by how Uganda has been truly gifted by nature. Sir Winston had visited Munyonyo, then just a jetty and a few sheds, where most fittingly, the present British prime minister will join his fellow Commonwealth Heads of Government this weekend.” The Queen addresses the Parliament of Uganda on November 22, 2007.

“In the years since Prince Philip and I were last here, one change in particular has come to scar Uganda and indeed much of Africa. The scourge of HIV/Aids infection has touched the lives of so many of Uganda’s people. It is difficult sometimes, when the sorrow associated with this disease is so profound, to avoid a sense of despair. And yet, there are growing numbers of people and organisations whose work gives cause for real hope.” The Queen addresses the Parliament of Uganda on November 22, 2007.

“When I first addressed a meeting of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth 30 years ago, Papua New Guinea and the Seychelles were welcomed as its 32nd and 33rd members. Since then, our association has continued to attract new members while addressing the great preoccupations and concerns of our times. Uganda’s rich history is longer. Humankind has been present here as far back as our archaeology and history will allow us to go. And just as the people and ideas that originated in this part of Africa spread out to other parts of the globe, so too the wider world has come to touch the lives of Ugandans. This week, it comes here to Kampala in the form of the Commonwealth.” The Queen delivers a speech at the Chogm 2007 opening ceremony on November 23, 2007.

“President Museveni, you will be familiar with the Ugandan proverb which says, ‘Those who walk together warn each other.’ In its sense of unity giving strength, this could just as easily be a Commonwealth proverb as a Ugandan one. Over the next two days, I wish you and your fellow leaders well in continuing the Commonwealth tradition of strength in our diversity, as well as strength in our unity.” The Queen delivers a speech at the Chogm 2007 opening ceremony on November 23, 2007.

“President Museveni, Secretary-General, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am most grateful to you for your kind gifts to us both and for the warm welcome we have received. As Head of the Commonwealth, I am delighted to welcome you all here this evening (for what I hope is a pleasant interruption to your programme). I am so very pleased to be with you again and wish you every success in your deliberations.” A speech by the Queen at the 2007 Chogm Dinner in Kampala on November 23, 2007.


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