Tuesday, September 20, 2022


We'll Manufacture Electric Vehicle Batteries in Uganda – Museveni

chimpreports.com, September 20, 2022 | President Museveni has said he will support a group of innovators and manufacturers who will spearhead the transition of the country from the use of fossil fuels to E-mobility.

File Photo/Courtesy: President Museveni in a group photo with scientists and e-mobility industry players.

“Batteries now are a very crucial step. We shall give you all the support,” Museveni told a group led by the Minister of Science and Technology, Dr. Musenero.

“In the medium term we shall have to make the batteries here, so I am very glad to hear that there is some body among you who is already involved in electric batteries,” the President noted.

Majority of Ugandans use fuel-powered vehicles and motorcycles. 

Across the globe, governments are driving the shift away from fossil-powered cars to electric vehicles (EV). 

File Photo/Courtesy:  Batteries in an Electric Vehicle.

The major factor that hinders EV adoption is capital cost, with the majority of consumers believing that an EV is beyond their budget. 

However, with the falling cost of batteries, the focus is now shifting towards the challenge of scaling the necessary infrastructure and supply of raw materials to enable mass adoption of EVs. 

File Photo/Courtesy: Transport Stakeholders meeting on efforts to migrate from fossil to electric energy at State House, Entebbe, Tuesday, September 20, 2022.

Transport Stakeholder meeting on efforts to migrate from fossil fuel to electric energy at State House – Entebbe on Tuesday

President Museveni pointed out that although Uganda will be processing its oil in a few years to come, this will not stop the effort of having clean energy.

 He added that the oil will be used for textiles, polyesters, plastics, aviation fuel and fertilizers among others.

The President strongly encouraged members of the group to move in the sectors of fabricating and manufacturing adding that the only challenge now is the manufacture of electric  batteries that must be manufactured in the country as all the required materials are available.

Uganda boasts vast deposits of lithium, nickel, cobalt, manganese, and graphite which are used in the manufacture of batteries for electric vehicles.

Dr. Musenero’s team included private sector players, University researchers on E-Mobility, financiers as well as service delivery players

President Museveni highly commended the group for their efforts in fabricating and manufacturing vehicles and piki pikis (motorcycles) here in the country. 

He noted that this will not only promote the use of clean energy and stop pollution but will also in the long run provide cheaper vehicles.

The development comes at a time of high fuel prices and increased pollution especially in Kampala city. 

Kampala, Uganda’s capital home to two million people, ranks among the world’s most polluted cities, with pollution levels up to seven times higher than the World Health Organisation’s safe standards, according to the 2021 World Air Quality Report.

Around 28,000 people per year die as a result of air pollution in Uganda, according to GAHP.

“We don’t want to hear of assembling,” said Museveni.

“Assembling is out of date. So on one hand we will use clean energy and stop pollution and on the other hand we are now finding out that electric vehicles are cheaper in the long run,” he noted.

President Museveni said the move will shift the country from the use of fuel energy to electric clean energy that will involve big buses of the sitting capacity of 90 passengers and mini buses as well as electric piki pikis.

He said this will also decongest the city that is flooded with small vehicles as well as bodabodas as commuters will abandon their cars in favor of the buses whose fares will be pocket-friendly.

President Museveni disclosed that the government will soon develop a vertically integrated Industry in steel manufacturing as the country has a high grade of iron ore,70% pure, the best in the world next to that of Peru which is only 58 %.


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